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Our country is in the midst of an unprecedented global COVID-19 pandemic with unpredictable challenges ahead.
Our country is in the midst of an unprecedented global COVID-19 pandemic with unpredictable challenges ahead. The Vietnam Veterans of America maintains our commitment to supporting our community and providing timely resources for our members, supporters, and veterans of all generations.
Today we are urging you and your families to stay informed by visiting the CDC and VA websites. Please abide by all recommended precautionary measures to reduce the spread of the virus:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Website Link
U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs Website Link
Elderly individuals (particularly over 70) are at greatest during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Other at-risk groups include those who have chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, chronic kidney disease, cancer, and lung disease. Due to toxic exposures associated with military service such as Agent Orange, many of VVA’s members have comorbidities which make them susceptible to the most severe complications or death if they contract the virus.
We encourage each of you to create your plan now—ahead of time—in case you or someone close to you begins to exhibit symptoms.
If you suspect that you may have contracted COVID-19 and are experiencing respiratory distress or flu-like symptoms, please CALL BEFORE YOU VISIT your local VA medical center or clinic to receive instructions.
Do not just show up unannounced at the medical facility as you may be a risk to others.
There’s no doubt everyone is experiencing the unexpected across the globe. We hope that you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy—please look after yourselves and each other.